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nri divorce.

NRI Divorce in India

What is an NRI divorce? An NRI divorce is a divorce in which one or both spouses are not residents of India. This can complicate the divorce process, as there may be issues with jurisdiction and service of process. An NRI divorce can be more complex and time-consuming than a regular divorce, so it is

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Guardians under the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956

The Concept of Guardianship The phenomenon of guardianship was not rooted in Hindu Law since the beginning. After the reign of the British in India, the concept was sown in the state. The evolution in Hindu Law was established by effectuating the code through enforcing a series of enactments including the Hindu Minority and Guardianship

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wedding rings showing remarriage in India

Remarriage In India

What is a Remarriage in India? When a couple who has previously been married gets remarried, it is called a remarriage. A remarriage usually happens after a divorce, but it can also happen if one spouse dies. If the couple has children from their previous marriage, those children are usually involved in remarriage. The new

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title of family courts amendment article in India

General Notion Of The Family Courts (Amendment) Bill, 2022

Purpose of Family Courts Act Family Courts Act 1984 came with an ambition of constructing and establishing a fast-track justice system for the resolution of matrimonial disputes. It applies to the conciliation of family and marriage issues. Conciliation refers to a speedy resolution and fast-track judgment. Various Family courts were established after the enforcement of

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a couple agreeing on terms of MoU

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Divorce by Mutual Consent

The Concept of MoU Divorce is an outcome of disputes in matrimonial bonds. A matrimonial bond is the solemnization of rights and duties between bride and groom. In certain cases, the marriage goes through the aisle of differences between spouses for which they seek a legal solution. Divorce is a legal remedy entrusted to a couple

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some people appearing in a mediation process

Mediation in Marriage: Troubles, Reasons, Solution

The Concept of Mediation Litigation and Court Proceedings have always been the de jure king of family settlements in both Hindu as well as Muslim law but penetration of Mediation, Conciliation, Negotiation and Arbitration is now emerging as an alternative for such dispute settlement. Mediation is one such branch of Alternative Dispute Resolution which is

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