
What are the Types of Alimony in India?

2023: A Landmark Year in India’s Divorce Law Reform – Advancing Modernity and Fairness

In 2023, India witnessed several significant changes in its divorce laws, reflecting a more modern approach to matrimonial disputes and rights. Here’s a summary of the key developments: These changes in 2023 reflected a significant evolution in India’s matrimonial laws, aiming to make the divorce process more accessible, fair, and efficient for all parties involved.

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Divorce in India: Understanding the Legal, Social, and Emotional Landscape

Divorce in India: Understanding the Legal, Social, and Emotional Landscape

1. Overview of Divorce Laws in India History and Evolution Divorce in India has evolved significantly over the years. Traditionally, the concept was almost non-existent in many communities, owing to strong societal norms and religious doctrines. However, with changing times, the Indian legal system has incorporated more progressive and practical laws to address marital dissolution.

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Jharkhand Father Welcomes Divorced Daughter with Baraat: Shattering Stereotypes in India

A Father’s Heartfelt Welcome for His Divorced Daughter 🎉💕

Backdrop: The Weight of Tradition 😓 In India, the age-old perspective has often viewed daughters as ‘Paraya Dhan’ – someone deemed to belong to another family after marriage. They’re advised to hold onto their marriage, no matter the trials, often even in silence. But as Bob Dylan once said, “The times they are a-changin’.” Enter

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Dhawan's Divorce Drama: How "Cruelty" Plays Out in Indian Family Courts

Dhawan’s Divorce Drama: How “Cruelty” Plays Out in Indian Family Courts

Kicking Off with The Big News When cricket meets courtrooms, it’s bound to make headlines. And Shikhar Dhawan’s recent divorce from Aesha Mukherji did just that. But it’s not just celebrity gossip; their story shines a light on a part of Indian law many of us might not be familiar with: the notion of “cruelty”

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The Power of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Resolving Family Disputes

The Power of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in a Mutual Divorce

Introduction The Eti Tyagi vs. Prince Tyagi case of 2023 has highlighted the potential of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in shaping family dispute outcomes. As the legal world sees an evolution, the MoU stands tall, promising couples a way out of their dilemmas, all while protecting their rights, dignity, finances, assets and children. Why

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Understanding Divorce Through Bollywood: 8 Films That Nailed the Narrative

Understanding Divorce Through Bollywood: 8 Films That Nailed the Narrative

The Hindi film industry, commonly known as Bollywood, has always played a key role in reflecting societal shifts and evolving values. As the topic of divorce becomes less stigmatised in India, Bollywood has taken it upon itself to explore this complex issue through various lenses. While many films have talked about the subject, only a

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