August 2022

a quotation on love marriage with white background

Love marriage in India

Love marriage – introduction Marriages are considered a solemnization of conjugal rights and duties towards each other. Law only bisects void, voidable and valid marriages rather than love or arranged ones. It falls under the ambit of civil law which discourses about rights in personam irrespective of religion, sex, caste or belief.  The intra-religion marriage

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marital rape as a ground for divorce

How Marital Rape Can Be Used As A Ground For Divorce?

A General Overview of Marital Rape The word rape incurs a drastic sensation in societal stability. The more heinous form of such an act is when it occurs in one’s own matrimonial home by a legal spouse. The word legal before the spouse embrangle victim from resisting such an inhumane act. The aftermath of such

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