5 Quick Questions You Should Know About Legal Notice in India

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A legal notice in India is a legal document/notification that may be sent by an individual, an advocate or an organisation to any other individual or organisation who is thought to have committed a legal offence.

Legal notices are usually served on the recipient through registered posts or other legal means.

You need to know how legal notice works in India so that if you ever receive one, you can respond appropriately.

This post will show you a few quick questions about legal notice in India: what it is, how it’s served, what to do when you get one, etc.

The purpose here is to make you understand everything about a legal notice in simple language.

Legal notice in India is a legal document that a court, an individual, or organisation may send to any person who has committed a legal offence.

The legal document will be served on the recipient either by registered post or other legal means depending upon the type of legal proceedings.

A legal notice is a document that requires any person to do or refrain from doing something.

If the legal notice has not been complied with, an individual or an organization can take legal action against them like filing a court case about it.

You can either comply with the legal notice or you could try to defend yourself by telling your side of the story.

If you are served a legal document and not in your language, take help from an interpreter or contact legal counsel for further information about responding to legal notices.

You need to send a reply to the notice within the time frame specified in the legal notice and if you are unable to respond within that time then the sender may initiate legal action.

It means that after proper investigation by authorities, there seems to be some truth behind what was written in the complaint issued, for example, fraud.

Therefore this person needs to present himself/herself before law enforcement officers either voluntarily or through compulsion because he has been charged with committing a crime according to law; otherwise, he will be arrested on grounds for suspicion of committing a crime.

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What are the different types of notice in India?

There can be many types of legal notice, like –

  1. Notice to husband or wife
  2. Notice by the employer to employee
  3. Notice to the employee by the employer
  4. Notice to the tenant by the landlord
  5. Notice for Cheque bounce or dishonour of cheques/payments
  6. Notice by a consumer for product or service
  7. Notice to the government u/s 80 of CPC
  8. Notice for the recovery of dues/arrears/loans

Why You Should Contact Us For Preparing And Sending The Notice

  1. We treat our clients as family members or friends.
  2. Your personal details are very safe with us – as the notice will contain some sensitive personal things so it is advisable not to seek advice and service of anyone who you do not rely totally upon.
  3. If you wish to cancel the notice – it is done immediately – plus the details are also deleted as soon as possible.
  4. Short on money? – no problem. We are here to serve you better not to steal you better. The fee can be given in instalments too or after full satisfaction.
  5. The highest possible quality of legal consultation and advice is provided without an additional cost.
  6. Unlimited updates are provided without asking any questions, till the notice is dispatched.
  7. Free delivery of notice papers to the husband.
  8. Our website is protected by various anti-virus or spam protection systems, so the safety on the site is at its highest.
  9. We are one of the very few law firms in India to have 5/5 excellent reviews on Google.
  10. The payment partner is Razorpay – so no need to worry about any delay or failure of payments ever. Moreover, we have a 100% refund policy before paperwork has started.

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