
family of 5 - holding hands together

Provisions Regarding Custody of A Minor Child in India

Concept of Custody of a Minor Child Minor is considered a person of tender age who is not able to maintain himself on his own. Maintenance refers to basic education, safety assurance, food, shelter, and other necessities. In the matter of conflict where the custody of a child is in question, the court of law […]

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cover pic of article regarding post marital settlement agreement

An Idea of Post-Matrimonial Separation Agreement

Concept of Separation Solemnisation of marriage is a commitment to perform certain duties against each other and own certain rights. The occurrence of dispute in the union of husband and wife leads to the situation of divorce. Separation emerges as an alternative to divorce. By opting for the passage of separation, through a separation agreement, the

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maintenance article photo

Laws Governing the Concept of Maintenance in India

Introduction: What is Maintenance? Maintenance in law stands for providing financial assistance to the applicant who is unable to maintain herself/himself, from the respondent for the expenses incurred in proceedings and required to support the survival. Moreover, it is a gender and religion-neutral concept into which a wife, husband, widow daughters-in-law, child, parents and dependants

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article title is The Concept of Domestic Violence Beyond the Nutshell - in background there is picture of a sad woman

The Concept of Domestic Violence Beyond the Nutshell

A General Overview India has always taken prospective steps towards the maltreatment of women in society andby society. There are several Pre Independence legislations such as Bengali Sati Regulation,1829 and The Hindu Widows’ Remarriage Act, 1856 were enforced to protect the rights ofwomen. Likewise, several enactments like Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961, POCSO Act, 2012, and

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marital rape as a ground for divorce

How Marital Rape Can Be Used As A Ground For Divorce?

A General Overview of Marital Rape The word rape incurs a drastic sensation in societal stability. The more heinous form of such an act is when it occurs in one’s own matrimonial home by a legal spouse. The word legal before the spouse embrangle victim from resisting such an inhumane act. The aftermath of such

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live-in relationship

Live-in Relationship in India: Hidden Benefits, Problems and the Future

Live-in relationships are not new to India. Since ancient times, they have been a part of Indian culture, and live-in marriages were even recognized by law until the 20th century. Here, we will explore live-ins from different perspectives; we’ll examine their benefits and problems and what our government and courts are doing about it to

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divorce affecting the child and his behaviour as both want to take

Parental Alienation Syndrome: How It Affects the Child and Family, 5 Ways to Avoid It

Generally, when a married couple is considering divorce, they, directly or indirectly, make each other their enemies. Well, this is not always true in real life but do you really think one spouse will truly say “my spouse is an amazing husband/wife” or “my spouse is an amazing parent” while having a divorce? This divorce

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